Portland provides a favorable climate for box elder bugs to invade homes. There is plenty of vegetation in Portland, and therefore, they can easily get attracted to places that might provide food and shelter and are likely to infest homes. 

They can be a problem for homeowners as they invade homes in large numbers. Boxelder bugs are named after the tree they get their food from. Getting rid of them can be a challenging task. 

They have piercings and mouthparts that can suck. They are usually seen in abundance during summertime. 

However, you will not spot them around your home during the summertime, but when the winter is about to begin, they might come around to find shelter. 

You can contact Saela Pest Control in Portland to help you keep your property safe. 

How do adult boxelder bugs look?

  • They are around half an inch in length.
  • Mostly covered with black color with red markings in between.
  • The wings are placed flat.

The younger ones are called nymphs, and they are pretty small in size as compared to the adult boxelder bugs. 

When they come out of their eggs, they are bright red. As they grow older and more significant, the color changes to black and red with orange in between. 

What are the things that can attract boxelder bugs?

If they make it into your place, they will find sources of water. Thus, you will likely find them in your plants around the house. 

Water is a primary attraction for them. Furthermore, another attraction is warm places. They need sunlight to bask in. Therefore, look for the areas around the house that get the most sunlight. 

Should you be afraid of boxelder bugs?

Boxelder bugs do not bite. There are rare cases where they have bitten someone. There is usually no harm associated with such bugs. 

However, they can be a nuisance around the house. The nuisance can be in the form of:

  • The lousy smell when they get crushed.
  • Feces can leave stains.
  • You might find your fruits or leaves bitten by these bugs. 
  • Yellowish appearance on plants they have fed from. 

Is there a way to get rid of them?

Many techniques can be used to get rid of these bugs. Here is a list of different things that you can try to get rid of boxelder bugs:

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to catch them and throw them out in a bag.
  • If you want to kill them in order to get rid of them, you can try freezing them. 
  • Use soap and water to clean them out of your place and a hose to wash them off your property.

If you are using pesticides, go for the one that has less chemicals. Thoroughly read the instructions given on the package before using it. There are times when bugs can be hard to get rid of; in such cases, seek help from professionals. 

How can you prevent their infestation in the first place?

If there are any cracks around the house, seal them completely. Use cement or some other material to seal the entry points. If there are any broken windows, repair them. 

You can also make use of screens on your windows. Make use of door sweeps, especially for the doors that open on the outside of your home. 

If there is a female boxelder tree in your yard or around the house, removing it can help reduce the chances of infestation. 

However, it can cause harm to the environment if you try to remove all the boxelder trees. Therefore, pest control is a better option for such cases. 

Take proactive steps to keep boxelder bugs out!

Boxelder bugs can be stubborn creatures to deal with. Therefore, having a professional on your side can be of great help. They can help in locating them and use various ways to get them out of your property.