A water softener is a portable appliance used for residential water treatment. Daily consumable water may have bacteria, hard iron, acidity, low pH, odor, sulfur and other substances. In this situation, it is ideal to buy water softener for residential use, a state-of-the-art water treatment solution. They are ion exchange units. These appliances terminate calcium, magnesium, acidity, odor, and other minerals from drinking water. Depending on the area where you live, the daily consumable water may have toxic and hard substances.
However, do you know how it works?
Softening consists of removing the hardness of the water through ion exchanges due to excess calcium and magnesium, which are the cause of causing scale in the installations. The water passes through a bed of resin, which, thanks to its chemical characteristics, is responsible for attracting and retaining lime without altering the characteristic of drinking water. The resins beds in The Eco Water System’s water softener meet the most demanding quality standards. The exchange capacity of the resins is what will mark the efficiency of the softening equipment and the annual water and salt consumption.
Water softener and industrial water treatment
When we talk about water treatment, there are different processes that help improve its quality, both for industrial and domestic use. The hardness of water, especially in industrial processes where it is subjected to changes in temperature, produces deposits known as scale. This, besides reducing the water passage section, is a thermal insulator, which impairs heat exchange. Softeners are intended to remove hardness. They remove calcium and magnesium from the chemical composition of water, which are the cause of this condition.
Benefits of installing a water softener in industries
The softener works through cationic type ion exchange resins, which replace the calcium and magnesium in the water with sodium. These resins are made up of small plastic spheres, which contain in their structure active centers saturated with sodium. When water encounters them, calcium and magnesium ions are exchanged for sodium in equivalent amounts. In this way, the salts that remain in the water do not form deposits even when it is heated to moderate or high temperatures.
- It prevents the rapid deterioration of transportation pipes and water faucets
- It prevents scale formation and deterioration of cooling towers, and other delicate equipment
- It prevents clogging of boilers, radiators, evaporators, etc.
- It significantly improves thermal efficiency in heat exchange systems
- It improves the performance of soaps and industrial detergents
To take care of your equipment and your facilities, it is important that you have the necessary elements. At Eco Water Systems, we are specialists in water. We can advise you on the appropriate treatment for your industry, according to your needs.
In the end
Lime free water does not stain the floor or any other water-consumable appliances (appliances, pipes and toilets). Lime-free water will result in significant energy savings. People with skin problems know the importance of water softener. It protects your skin from allergies, pathogens, and bacteria. You get shinier floor. Water does not clog the pipes, making it easier to continue the water flow.