Home roofs in Wisconsin may get a beating from the state’s notoriously unpredictable weather, which can range from heavy snowfall in the winter to intense summer downpours. If you care about your home’s stability and want to avoid expensive repairs, you need to know when to call a roofer. When you need the help of experienced roofers in Wisconsin, look for these telltale signs:

How Old Is the Roof?

Generally speaking, you should have a professional roofer to take a look at your roof after it reaches the age of 20. Roofs in Wisconsin may have an even lower age requirement due to the state’s notoriously harsh weather. In order to prolong the life and functionality of your roof, it is best to have a professional roofer inspect it and advise you on any repairs or replacements that may be required.

Shingles That Are Damaged or Missing

Damage to the roof may be quickly and easily detected by looking for missing, broken, or curling shingles. Strong winds, heavy snowfall, and ice dams are some of the severe weather conditions that can cause shingles to degrade with time. Disregarding damaged shingles can lead to structural damage, mold development, and water seepage into your property.

Wet Areas or Seepage

Warning signs that your roof could be damaged include visible signs of water seepage, damp areas in the attic, and water stains on the ceiling or walls. Deteriorated sealants, damaged flashing, or worn-out roofing components can cause roof leaks. Call a roofer as soon as you notice a leak to save money and prevent more water damage.

Loss of Granules

Asphalt shingles are protected from moisture and ultraviolet radiation by the granules that are put into them. When you see a buildup of granules in your gutters or on the ground around your house, it might be a sign that your shingles are about to be replaced. You need to call a roofer immediately since granule loss might increase the roof’s vulnerability to damage and leaks.

Roof Sagging or Swaying

An emergency requires the prompt attention of a roofing expert when the roof begins to droop or sag. Sagging can happen for many different reasons, including decaying wood, water damage, or not having enough support in the attic. Sagging roofs pose a significant threat to building occupants’ safety since they can eventually collapse if not addressed.

Ice Barriers

During the severe winters in Wisconsin, ice dams can form around the edges of roofs, making it difficult for water to drain properly and eventually pool under shingles. Walls and ceilings within a building are vulnerable to ice dams, which can also lead to water seepage and roof leaks. Having a roofer look at your roof’s insulation and ventilation can help you prevent damage and ice dams.

Plant Life: Moss and Algae

Roof vegetation like moss, algae, or mold could indicate water damage or inadequate ventilation. If left untreated, these organic growths might weaken your roof’s structure and damage roofing materials. Expert roofers know how to properly remove algae and moss and may also advise on how to enhance ventilation and prevent further development.

Bruce Andrews Is the One to Call When You Need a Roofer Roofing and Gutters That Don’t Leak

It is crucial that you know when to contact a Wisconsin roofer to keep your home in good repair and structurally sound. Getting expert aid quickly when you see any indicators of roof damage—missing shingles, leaks, sagging, etc.—can help avoid subsequent problems and extend the life of your roof. With the prompt intervention of a reliable roofing contractor, you may have a house that is secure, dry, and protected from the elements.